Hometown Hero – October 2022

Hometown Hero: James Massaglia
Official Fire District Title: Fire Fighter

How long have you been a member of HTFD-23 and why did you join?

I have been a member for about 15 years, I joined to continue my service as a volunteer firefighter after previously serving in another department for approximately 10 years.

What is the best part about being part of HTFD-23?

Being a part of a great organization that is more like a family, while providing a service to my community.

What do you do when you’re not fighting fires?

When not at the firehouse or working, I like to spend my free time outdoors; hiking, backpacking, kayaking, camping and mountain biking

Who would you say is the most influential person in your life and why?

Well, besides the obvious answer of my parents; and relating to being a firefighter, I would have to say my childhood friends’ father Gene Dannenfelser. He was like a 2nd father to me growing up and was responsible for starting the fire explorer program in my hometown’s fire department. That got me started in the fire service.

What is your favorite movie and why?

I would have to say Top Gun, both the original and the new one; there’s just something about the fighter jets and all those awesome moves they make.

There is movie about HTFD-23 – what actor would play you?

Kurt Russell, he’s always played a great character and you can’t go wrong with the guy who played the lead in Backdraft.

If you had 3 magic beans – what would you wish for?

1. To stay young
2. Unlimited money to do all the things I enjoy doing
3. An end to all of these world conflicts going on

2022-10-11T15:08:57+00:00October 4th, 2022|
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